If I am not my thoguths and feelings, who am I?
Jun 08, 2024
It is common to go through life on autopilot, just believing that you are your thoughts and feelings. This often takes you away from the life you want because you are either left at the whim of any emotion or thought that is present, or you are stuck trying to control thoughts and feelings to be what you want them to be.
This is not your only option! Opening to the possibility that you are more than your thoughts and feelings empowers you to create a sense of self that not only brings you joy but also enables you to create the life of your dreams. Are you experiencing your sense of self from on autopilot that creates strugle, or are you choosing a perspective that takes you toward the life you want and creates joy?
Life beyond autopilot
Opening to the possibility that you are more than your thoughts and feelings empowers you to create a sense of self that not only brings you joy but also enables you to create the life of your dreams. The key here is asking what perspective are you taking? Are you on autopilot, or are you choosing a perspective that takes you toward the life you want?
These various perspectives create your experienced sense of self. Who you feel you are is not fixed, rather it can change depending on the thoughts and feelings you choose to believe are true. In other words, you have the power to choose various perspectives to experience different versions of yourself and create different realities.
My experience
For example, as one who has experienced trauma, I spent over a decade experiencing my sense of self through the lens of fear, pain, and being “the victim.” While identifying with this victim's sense of self was valid and easily justifiable from countless past experiences, choosing this perspective created a life that affirmed me continuing to live as the victim. I was stuck in this story that took me away from the life I wanted.
Transformation is within reach!
Today, I live a vastly different life because I have chosen to let go of the victim story and pivot towards experiencing myself as being safe and worthy of self-expression. This different perspective empowers me to create the life of my dreams rather than being stuck in the past.
My autopilot, or default sense of self, was being the victim and disempowered. During my 10+ year journey, I have mastered evidence-based techniques to release limiting, past stories, choose to believe thoughts and feelings that create a joyful sense of self, and empower me to create the life of my dreams today! If I can do it then so can you!!